Artificial Neural Networks
5th Assignment - Shahid Beheshti University - Master’s Program May 12, 2023
Due date: May 26
- Suppose you want to train a classifier, and you have plenty of unlabeled training data but only a few thousand labeled instances. How can autoencoders help? How would you proceed?
- What are undercomplete and overcomplete autoencoders? What is the main risk of an excessively undercomplete autoencoder? What about the main risk of an overcomplete autoencoder?
- How do you tie weights in a stacked autoencoder? What is the point of doing so?
- Variational auto-encoders optimize a lower bound of the data likelihood for a given input sample \(x^{(i)}\) such that
- Explain the task of the KL−divergence term.
- Explain the task of the first term and its effect on the latent space.
- Implement an autoencoder model for image colorization using this dataset. The model should take grayscale images as input and output colorized images of the same size.
- Split the data into train and test sets.
- Evaluate the performance of the model on the test dataset. Visualize some random images from the test set and compare the output of the model with the original colorized image.
- Train a VAE model on this dataset. Generate multiple colorized versions of images from a set of random samples in the test set and visualize them. (Extra Point)
- Empowering some of the powerful autoencoders such as U-net and trying to boost the performance. (Extra Point)