Artificial Neural Networks
2nd Assignment - Shahid Beheshti University - Master’s Program March 20, 2023
Due date: April 7
Exercise 1
What is the difference between L1 and L2 regularization? Write their formulas and compare them with each other.
Exercise 2
What is exploding and vanishing gradients in neural networks? How can Adam optimizer help us with them? Is LeakyReLU better or ReLU in avoiding vanishing gradients?
Exercise 3
What is BCE loss? When should we use BCE and when should we use MSE?
Exercise 4
How can we avoid overfitting? Name 3 methods and explain them in detail.
Exercise 5
Does dropout slow down training? Does it slow down inference (i.e., making predictions on new instances)? What about MC dropout?
Exercise 6
What is the problem that Glorot initialization and He initialization aim to fix?
Exercise 7
Using FashionMNIST data, a sample dataset is created (Link) with all of the pixels in the center column of the photos set to zero. Also, their real values are extracted and saved in a CSV file for each image. It is expected that you:
- Split the data into train and test sets.
- Implement an MLP in order to predict the missing values in the images.
- Report the accuracy of the model on the test set and visualize the final images predicted by the model.
- Utilizing various enhancing techniques try to boost the performance of the model including:
- Batch Normalization layers
- Dropout layers
- Different activation functions and comparing their performance
- Learning rate scheduling
- L1, L2 Regularization
- Different Weight initialization (EXTRA PONIT)
- Early stopping (EXTRA PONIT)
- Utilizing different optimizers and comparing their performance (EXTRA PONIT)